The Boundary Bay Lions Club Sunday Car Sale is currently Closed until further notice
Please watch for details
The ‘Sunday Car Sale’ is a joint effort between Tsawwassen Town Centre Mall and The Tsawwassen Boundary Bay Lions Club, who use ALL PROCEEDS raised for community projects, and Lions Club initiatives.
Each Sunday, from 8:00 am – 7:00 pm
Private Citizens (NO DEALERS) are invited to showcase their vehicles for sale, in the East mall parking lot (along 56th Street) each Sunday.
The cost is $15 per Sunday and includes the ‘For Sale’ sign, and a designated parking stall for the day.
Stalls are allocated on a First Come First Serve basis — come early as space is limited. Please bring the vehicle registration papers along with valid insurance.
Vehicle sellers may stay and enjoy the festive feel, or leave the vehicle with contact information written on the ‘For Sale’ sign.
Guests (sellers and buyers), may also visit the shops & services OPEN 12:00 noon – 5:00pm
For your convenience and to assist with transfer and insurance papers Westland Insurance is located at Tsawwassen Town Centre Mall, and is OPEN on Sundays, from 11:00 am – 4:00 pm.